viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2008

La Polla Records - Banco Vaticano (Maqueta) - 1981

La Polla Records is a Basque punk rock band. La Polla Records was formed in 1979 in Agurain, a small town in the Basque Country. Its founders were Evaristo Páramos, Maleguin, Txarly and Sume.
In 1981, they recorded an EP under the indie label Oihuka called Y ahora qué? ("So now what?"). It had four songs. In 1984, La Polla Records released their first album called Salve. The lyrics harshly criticized fascism, capitalism, and catholicism.
The following years they recorded Revolución. In this album Abel replaced Maleguin on the bass. They later released more albums: No somos nada and En directo (recorded live) as well as Ellos dicen mierda, nosotros amén("They say shit, we say Amen"), Los jubilados, Barman, Negro and Hoy es el futuro.
In 1991, due to some issues with a former band member, a tribunal forbade their use of the name La Polla Records. The band ignored the sentence and released Bajo presión under the forbidden name. In 1996, however, they changed their name and simply became La Polla. Under this new name they released Carne para la picadora.
In 2002 La Polla were still actively playing when, quite suddenly, Fernandito died of a heart attack on September 3. The band cancelled the remaining concerts of the tour. After the loss of their drummer they released their last album: El último (el) de la Polla (literally, "La Polla's last").
La Polla Records was a band that was known as a symbol of rebellion against everything, to the point of them being called "anti-everything". As a result of this they faced several major obstacles throughout their career, primarily threats and repression. The band members even faced jail time during a fiasco with Eskorbuto, another Spanish band.
After La Polla Records were disbanded, Evaristo Paramos (vocals) released a book named "Por los Hijos lo que sea" where he told stories and anecdotes that told many of the same messages as his songs. Evaristo continued his musical career with bands such as The Kagas, The Meas and Gatillazo.

1. La muerte te ama (M) (4:56)
2. Muévete (M) (2:45)
3. Y ahora qué? (M) (2:21)
4. Pepe (M) (3:32)
5. Nací sin carnet (M) (2:22)
6. Juanito Tergal (M) (3:06)
7. El fin del mundo (M) (2:07)
8. Banco Vaticano (M) (3:44)
9. Hey, hey, hey (M) (2:04)
10. R'n'R (M) (0:59)
11. Poder (M) (2:54)
12. Diez perritos (M) (2:39)

Total Playing Time: 33:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 30.8 MB (32,264,192 bytes)

Password: punxunidos

lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008

Joe Strummer 1952-2002

Un dia como hoy (22 de Diciembre) hace ya 6 años (que rapido se pasan los años!) nos dejó Joe Strummer, vocalista de The Clash, victima de un paro cardiaco.
Si bien Joe (nacido en Turquia) empezó en una banda de rock'n'roll llamada the 101'ers alla por 1974, es sin duda que con The Clash logra ser conocido.
Junto con Mick Jones componían la mayoría de temas que trataban de problemas sociales ( racismo, brutalidad policial, politicos).The Clash es sin duda una de las bandas mas importantes de la historia del rock,influenció a muchas bandas con sus letras y excelentes fusiones.

Lamentablemente tras muchas broncas la banda se separo en 1986, con el disco cut the crap.
Posteriormente Strummer tuvo participaciones en composiciones de peliculas como Sid and Nancy, pero es en 1999 en que formó su banda de solista llamada The Mescaleros, hasta su muerte en el 2002.

Cuando prendo la radio o la tv y escucho a muchos de los grupos de la actualidad diciendo ser punks y solo son una farsa manipulada por los medios de comunicacion o por las disqueras, extraño a grupos como este y me gustaria regresar en el tiempo y vivir esa buena musica, aquella que fue sincera, rebelde y me hizo ver la realidad.
Gracias The Clash y gracias Joe Strummer.

The Clash - The Guns Of Brixton (Bootleg)

Disco en vivo grabado en el Palladium el 21 de Septiembre de 1979.
1. Safe European Home (3:17)
2. I'm So Bored With The U.S.A. (2:42)
3. Complete control (4:04)
4. London Calling (3:40)
5. White Man In The Hammersmith Palace (4:14)
6. Koka Kola (1:32)
7. I Fought The Law (2:28)
8. Jail Guitar Doors (3:28)
9. The Guns Of Brixton (4:20)
10. English Civil War (3:15)
11. Clash City Rockers (4:23)
12. Stay Free (4:22)
13. Clampdown (4:07)
14. Police And Thieves (5:45)
15. Capital Radio One (4:07)
16. Tommy Gun (3:00)
17. Wrong'em Boyo (3:07)
18. Janie Jones (2:02)
19. Garageland (3:25)
20. Armagidon Time (4:33)
21. Career Opportunities (1:50)
22. What's My Name (1:34)
23. White Riot (2:08)

Total Playing Time: 77:33 (min:sec)
Total Size : 71.1 MB (74,507,816 bytes)
Password: punxunidos

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

Okmonicks - De Ahora En Mas - 2005

Okmonicks was formed in Buenos Aires (2001).The original members are Mariano( bass, vocals), Pedro(drums) and Gaston(guitar, vocals).At the beginning the sound was similar to a typical 90's band.Now the style is melodic punk rock .
Thanx to CJU for the disc.

01. Alma
02. Mar
03. Mirando Hacia Atras
04. Angel
05. Por Mi
06. Decepcion
07. Polaroids
08. Atrapado En El Pasado
09. Miedos
10. She Talks To Rainbows (Ramones Cover)
11. Sueños
12. Tristes Recuerdos
13. Un Dia Mas

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